Septic tanks are safe, effective ways of dealing with sewage. Keeping them working their best means following proper procedures: they must only use products that are biodegradable and safe, watch what gets flushed, and more.
One key part of septic tank maintenance is cleaning it on a regular schedule. If you skip septic tank cleaning for too long, the septic system might fail, creating a bigger mess.
What Is Septic Tank Cleaning?
Cleaning your septic tank will let you avoid excess scum and sludge accumulation to free up space for decantation. It also helps remove any inorganic waste that the bacteria cannot break down.
When Should I Have My Septic Tank Cleaned?
You should clean your septic tank every two years. Some factors can change the necessary timing: how many bathrooms are in your house, the municipal regulations you might have to follow, additional suites on your property, a high volume of usage, etc.
It’s not just a recommendation – Ontario’s provincial laws make it mandatory for home and business owners to clean their septic tanks every couple of years. The government is very keen on ensuring septic systems do not pollute the environment.
Why Do I Need To Clean My Septic Tank?
Cleaning also prevents clogs from forming in the drainfield. If water flows back into the tank from the drainfield during or after you have your tank pumped, it indicates that the drainfield is clogged up. When the drainfield gets clogged, it can start leaking. The effluence can pollute the surrounding environment, and while in some situations, biological additives can correct it, the tank often needs professional cleaning.
The cleaning of septic tanks should be left to qualified septic companies because septic tanks produce toxic gases that are a health hazard. Luckily, homeowners across Southwestern Ontario trust GFS Services with their septic tank cleaning. We have an excellent record with the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, and every job we do happens with worker and client safety in mind!